She has also served as Visiting Professor at the University of Pisa (ac. year 2018/19), at the Sapienza University of Rome with scholarship (2019), and at the Istanbul Gelisim University (2012), as a guest facilitator at Jana Sanskriti Centre of Theatre of the Oppressed & Drama School-Kolkata, India (2020 & 2024), as member of the International Project “Performing Space”, as co-founder, trainer and member of the Scientific Committee of the “Epidaurus Lyceum-International summer school of Ancient Drama” (Athens & Epidaurus Festival and University of the Peloponnese, 2016-2018), as member of the Editing and Scientific Committees of the Education & Theatre Journal (2014-2024), as Scientific Advisor and trainer of the project “It could be me-It could be you” (Hellenic Theatre/Drama & Education Network and UNHCR Greece, 2015-2024), as Principal Researcher and Trainer of the Project “Addressing Roma School Segregation through Performing Arts" (UoP & Council of Europe, 2023), and as a principal researcher/ researcher/ trainer in many transnational research and educational projects of the Department of Theatre Studies: "EduSeismArtTec - Educational Seismology for school and society: A multidisciplinary approach through innovative theater education methods and digital technologies" (2020-2023), "ReWrite your Story" (2020-2022), "YouthDocs. Recording critical glances on personal identity, youth culture and contemporary reality" (2014-2016), "ARIADNE - Arts for intercultural adaptation in new environments" (2011-2012), "Acting for Austerity" (2012-2013), "Intercultural education, interpersonal relationships, and theatre" (2012), "Camille Claudel ΙΙΙ: Ästhetische Bildung in europäischen Dimensionen (2009), "mMPACT - Methodology for student-centered teaching with an emphasis on the performing arts" (2007-2010), etc. She has published 5 books (as co-editor) and more than 50 peer-reviewed papers in books, journals, and proceedings.
She has also worked as a professional theatre practitioner (dramaturg, assistant director, director, stage manager, acting instructor, and applied theatre facilitator), since 1999 to present, in theatres, festivals and organisations in Greece, Italy, India, France, Ireland, Turkey, UK, Lithuania, Hungary, Spain, Poland, Germany. She collaborated among others with Jana Sanskriti-India, Sutradhaar Centre for Performing Arts-India, SpinTime Labs-Italy, Athens & Epidaurus Festival-Greece, Municipal Theatre of Piraeus-Greece, Activist Theatre of the Oppressed Group-Greece, Crooked House Theatre Company-Ireland, Laboratorio Nove-Italy, Cantiere SanBernardo-Italy, "Estate a Raddicondoli" Festival- Italy, "Comunicare fa male” Festival-Italy, "Utopia del buon gusto" Festival-Italy, il Piccolo Teatro di Pontedera-Italy, Intercity Festival-Italy, Teatro Studio di Scandicci-Italy, Τeatro della Limonaia-Italy, Teatro di Sant' Andrea-Italy, Teatro di Giotto di Vicchio-Italy, Teatro Verdi di Pisa-Italy, "Prima Del Teatro" European School for the Art of the Actor-Italy, Blanka Teatro-Italy, Nea Skini/ Lefteris Voyatzis-Greece. She co-curated the concept of the dramaturgy and performed in the Italian documentary film entitled "SpinTime- Che fatica la democrazia!" directed by Sabina Guzzanti, selected and screened at the 87th Venice International Film Festival (2021) and distributed in the Italian cinemas (2021-2022) with large audience reception.
She has an active presence in civil society. She has served as President and as Treasurer of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Drama/Theatre & Education Network (2014-2019), as Member of the Board of Directors of the Municipal Library of Nafplio (2019-2024), as co-founder of Osmosis-Centre for the Arts and Intercultural Education (2005-2015). She is an active member of the Greek Theatre of the Oppressed movement, facilitating numerous groups and performances in Greece and worldwide since 1999.
She has followed graduate and postgraduate studies in theatre theory, stage practice and pedagogy at the University of Athens, Department of Theatre Studies, B.A. (1997), the University of Glasgow, Department of Television, Film and Theatre Studies, M.Phil. (1998), and the Laboratorio Nove Acting School - Master "Drama in Scena" (2002), and holds a PhD from the University of Thessaly, Department of Preschool Education (2016). Furthermore, she attended numerous international theatre training seminars.
Zoniou, C. & Magos, K. (2024). Διαπολιτισμικότητα και Θέατρο. Μια κριτική επισκόπηση ή ποιο θέατρο είναι κατάλληλο για τη διαπολιτισμική εκπαίδευση [Interculturality and Theatre: A critical overview or which theatre is appropriate for intercultural education]. In C. Parthenis, L. Gioti & T. Katopodi (Eds.), Lifelong Education and Training of Teachers in Modern Multicultural Societies – Theoretical Approaches, Actions and Practices of Intercultural Education (pp. 358-274). Gutenberg.
Zoniou, C. (2023a). The politics of Chorus. Introducing the Chorus in Jana Sanskriti's Theatre of the Oppressed performances. In R. Yarrow (Ed.), Jana Sanskriti's Khelar Ghor: Ibsen, Forum Theatre and Patriarchy in Bengal. Critical Essays and framing perspectives (pp. 142-166). Talpata Publication.
Zoniou, C. (2023b). Maieutica e ascesi: la formazione dell’attore nello spazio tele-microscopico del Teatro dell’Oppresso. In G. Di Palma & I. Scaturro (Eds.), Per-formare il sociale, Tomo iii: La pedagogia nel teatro sociale (pp. 119-141). Bulzoni Editore.
Zoniou C. & Tsichli A. (2023). Documentary Theatre, Devised Theatre and Educational Seismology: Pedagogical applications and devising the performance Beat the Quake! In I. Kalogeras, N. Melis, M. Ragousi, C. Zoniou, A. Tsichli, D. Kalogera (Eds), EduSeismArtTec Educational Seismology for School and Society: Interdisciplinary Approach with innovative methods of theatre education and digital technologies (pp. 74-105), National Observatory of Athens.
Zoniou, C., & Papadopoulou, G. (2021). Διαπολιτισμικός διάλογος και ενδυνάμωση μεταναστριών γυναικών με μέσο το θέατρο [Intercultural dialogue and empowerment of immigrant women through theatre]. In Τ. Karaoglou & Ν. Aliferis (Eds.), Μετανάστες και πρόσφυγες στη σύγχρονη δραματουργία και τη σκηνική πράξη: ΠρακτικάτουΒ΄ Θεατρολογικού Συνεδρίου, αφιερωμένου στον Δημήτρη Σπάθη [Immigrants and refugees in modern drama and stage: Proceedings of the Second Theatre Studies Conference, in memoriam of Dimitris Spathis] (pp. 65-80). Panhellenic Association of Theatre Scholars (PESYTH) and Eurasia Publications.
Zoniou, C. (2021). From performing heteronomy to devising a theatricality of autonomy A presentation of an ongoing process of Theatre of the Oppressed, documentary theatre and critical ethnography in a multicultural community in Rome. Education & Theatre, 22, 24-36.
Zoniou, C. (2018). Προσεγγίσεις της υποκριτικής του κοινωνικού θεάτρου: η περίπτωση του ηθοποιού-εμψυχωτή του Θεάτρου του Καταπιεσμένου του Αugusto Boal [Acting approaches in social theatre: The case of actor-facilitator in Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed]. In Α. Altouva & K. Diamantakou (Eds.), Θέατρο και Δημοκρατία: Πρακτικά Ε΄ Πανελλήνιου Θεατρολογικού Συνεδρίου [Theatre and Democracy: Proceedings of the Fifth Panhellenic Theatre Studies Conference] (pp. 511-26). Department of Theatre Studies, NKUA. https://www.openbook.gr/theatro-kai-dimokratia/
Zoniou, C., Κakoudaki, G.. & Tsakona, Α. (2018). Εκπαιδεύοντας το κοινό στο αρχαίο δράμα: μία "διαδικασία ανάπτυξης κοινού" μέσω της καλλιτεχνικής εκπαίδευσης στο καινοτόμο πρόγραμμα του Φεστιβάλ Αθηνών και Επιδαύρου και σε σύμπραξη με το Πανεπιστήμιο Πελοποννήσου [Educating audience in ancient drama: A "process of audience development" through an artistic education project of Athens & Epidaurus Festival in collaboration with the University of the Peloponnese]. Education & Theatre,19, 76 - 89.
Ζoniou, C. (2017). Παραστάσεις θεάτρου-ντοκουμέντο με νέους, εφήβους, παιδιά και μη επαγγελματίες ενήλικες: ένας πρακτικός οδηγός για εμψυχωτές [Documentary theatre performances with youth, teenagers, children, and non-professional adults: a practical guide for facilitators]. Education& Theatre, 18, 32-39.
Ζoniou, C. (Ed.) (2016). YouthDOCs - Documentary Theatre & Video on Youth Culture, Personal Identity and Contemporary Reality: A Handbook for Practitioners & Teachers. Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Attica. ISBN: 978-960-86680-8-9
Zoniou, C., & Boemi, Ν. (Eds.). (2013). Αριάδνη: Τέχνες και διαπολιτισμική προσαρμογή: Καλλιτεχνικά εργαστήρια με ομάδες μεταναστών [Ariadne: Arts and Intercultural Adaptation. Artistic workshops with groups of immigrants]. University of the Peloponnese and Grigoris Publications. ISBN: 978-960-333-822-2.
Zoniou, C.; Tarján, E.; López Fdz. Cao, M.; Várhegyi, V.; Szabó, V. (Eds.) (2012). Art of adaptation: Manual of artistic tools for migrants. Ariadne Project. ISBN: 978 295 437 5205
Govas, Ν. & Zoniou, C. (Eds.) (2010). Θεατροπαιδαγωγικά Προγράμματα με τεχνικές Θεάτρου Φόρουμ για την πρόληψη και την κοινωνική ενσωμάτωση [Theatre in Education Projects with Forum Theatre Techniques for prevention and social inclusion]. Osmosis & Hellenic Theatre/Drama in Education. ISBN: 978-960-99721-0-9 & 978-960-98466-9-1
Zoniou, C. (2010). Augusto Boal (1931-2009). Education & Theatre, 11, 71-80.