COURSE OBJECTIVES: The course focuses on the history of world theatre during the 19th century and on the plays of the same period. Students are introduced to landmark plays in the evolution of drama, from the era of realism and symbolism to the theatrical avant-guards. A representative number of works by leading playwrights such as Hugo, Büchner, Gogol, Zola, Ibsen, Hauptmann, Strindberg, and Chekhov are thoroughly analysed, while emphasis is placed on examining the stylistic particularities and novelties of the reviewed dramatists. The objective of this course is to introduce students to the basic information, evolutions and problems of the world theatre of this period and to familiarize students with these plays, so as to reveal their value and their originality in the evolution of the world drama.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: The students are going to come together and experience the World Theatre History and Dramaturgy of the 19th century. This experience is to acquire knowledge and understanding of basic artistic and literary movements, dramatic developments in relation to broader social and intellectual developments, representative works of drama and theatre masters’ contribution in the process of theatre. The detailed and synthetic procedure of the course leads through the comparative method to obtain the respective skills of the students. At the end, students are able not only to analyse and synthesize the elements of the plays but also on the theatrical life, and to make an assessment of their quality and innovative features.