COURSE OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this course are:the approach of stage sets on a Proscenium scene organized on the basis of a workshop that aims the analysis of the text (play) / space and its representation, to explore the designer's vision, creative and practical skills(model) and the process of the set design creation. The students will look at a play and design the set for a scene. They will learn about the process a set designer goes through, create a mood board of their ideas and then in groups they will create a scale model of their design. (Interdisciplinary with the course “Introduction to Cad software for lighting design and scenography”)
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to: reproduce practical and oral methods - ways of setting up scenes in relation to the skills of the set designer, transfer existing knowledge and acquired skills to the stage and its representation, combine, design and support the visualization of a play, identify, apply, develop, and reproduce the creative methods of scenic design in a Proscenium scene. Apply the methods and the completion of the modelling techniques; develop the application of compositional theories in practice (support the visualization of the theatrical text).