Learning outcomes
The course learning outcomes, specific knowledge, skills and competences of an appropriate level, which the students will acquire with the successful completion of the course are described.
Consult Appendix A
• Description of the level of learning outcomes for each qualifications cycle, according to the Qualifications Framework of the European Higher Education Area
• Descriptors for Levels 6, 7 & 8 of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning and Appendix B
• Guidelines for writing Learning Outcomes
Course Objectives:
The course seeks to introduce students to the world of ancient theatre, shedding light on important aspects of it. At the same time, it encourages students to undertake further research on the subject through the writing and presentation of compulsory written coursework.
Upon successful completion of the course students will:
• Learn the fundamental aspects of the ancient Greek theatre, such as the festivals of Dionysus in ancient Athens, the music competitions, the institution of the Khoregia,the actors of ancient Greek theatreetc.
• Be familiar with the iconography (vase-painting, mosaic, wall-paintings etc.) of the ancient Greek theatre and to be able to read and interpret it.
• Consolidate and memorize the terminology of the ancient Greek theatre.
• To practice in research (search and use of bibliography), through the writing of a compulsory assessment.